How to Sleep Well During a Pandemic (Part 3)
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How to Sleep Well During a Pandemic (Part 3)

After spending a week waking up at 1am and possibly snacking more than you have in the past year, you're sleep schedule and energy are probably in all kinds of whack at the moment. Without the normalcy of life and work, it can be extremely easy to fall into a slump. Even though your bed is easily accessible, you might still feel tired. With that said, how do you maintain sleep and stay well rested while you're staying home? We have a few tips:

3. Make your bed for sleeping only

This might be hard. If you designate your bed for many activities such as work, lounging, etc, your brain is programmed to recognize that setting for activities. Whereas if you go to your bed for sleep only, your brain will know it's time to sleep when you are in your bed. It's a bit of conditioning your body to naturally prepare itself for sleep.

We hope this recommendations have been useful to you! Social distancing is the best practice we can do to flatten the curve. While it's hard work, it's important work. Our staff and family at Fox Mattress is wishing everyone well and to stay healthy! Our next series of blog posts will be ways for you to entertain yourself and your family at home during COVID-19.

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